Specific heat in high magnetic field - Application to cuprates
1 : Laboratoire de Transport Electronique Quantique et Supraconductivité
Université J. FOURIER, Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives (CEA) - Grenoble
We have developed a new technique for measuring the specific heat in very high magnetic fields (35tesla) down to He3 temperature (0.3K). This technique enables high-resolution measurements, typically DC/C~10-4, combined with excellent accuracy ,DC/C~a few%. These instrumental implementations is a powerful tool to study field dependent exotic phenomena;
I will illustrate these potentialities with new results in the quantum limit of graphite and with the observation of Lifshitz transitions in UCoGe. Finally, a special emphasis will be given on the magnetic phase diagram and quantum criticality of cuprates.